underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

Thanks for pondering onto my blog of messy raging. Please keep drama to a minimum, I don't like breeding it. Say hai in the chatbox if you want. <:
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If you want to flee, just go here.
Since I am not a HTML nerd,
you may get lost.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
rawrghhh. D8<
1:06 PM

So in the past week, two of my good friends (and duo partners quit.)
Insert rage here. It's been.. Almost a year in a half? two years?
Why the hell am I still on megaten? I have no fucking clue. =_=;
But I enjoy coming on and just sitting in Babel collecting dust, watching clanchat.
When I take up my third job, I probably will be close to quitting megaten, but nonetheless, I'm enjoying it.
Even after a majority of all my old buddies left, I'm still here. Zzzz.
I'm getting "better" at not raging at megaten and bombing my 300.00 paycheck (like I did the first time)
But I swear to god, Cu Chulainn Mount ring, if it's a promo, I will slaughter all of Aeria and their headquarters in Japan in their sleep. =_=
I don't just want one, I need one. rofl. <:
Preteen eyecandy, yesplease.

Anyways, After wasting a godawful alot of money on Scat and Chulainn for a 4slotted Gae
Blog, and then learned it can't be soulstoned, I was NOT happy. (To be exact, I said "Fuck this game" and ragequit. 8D )
But yeah, Since all the other slightly decent death-based things are neither, way overpriced it makes me lol (LOLOLRASH) or Death (not that expensive, but wtf.) I think I'd rather make a death warhammer. :/ But I hate modding, so there you have it.

In the meantime, 5x Expertise's have crashed and burned. (Originally sold for like, 400-600ap each, are now down to 150k)
Therefore, easy as cake for me to grindhappy. (Cl8 atk, here I come!)
Remu's almost lv90. That'll be my third lv90. That's digusting. I need to quit. LOL.
I've actually thought of applying for gamesage, but I really dunno. :/
I'm honestly in sugi tunnels more than half the gamesages, and I pretty much run lowbie runs myself, when the GM's aren't. I just don't have the fancy title, and the monstrous ego like half the players do. Zzz.

We'll see whut happens.

Thursday, December 10, 2009
2:53 PM

So recently switched back to my debitcard, wasted (more) money on Aeria. If only I could get back my money on aeria, I could have gotten like 8 plasma TV's by now. >___>; Anyways; had some astounding luck on fortune card, got some 5x's, (just what I wanted) and I bought myself a Sword of Etude. WELL. First things first, after grinding supportmagic for 3 classes, I was kinda exhausted. Nevertheless, it was completely uselss and I woulda been happier wasting 2m on 5x inc's than buying that. But of course, brainless. So I'm training my alt with it, and I realize how much I hate it. It literally takes it down to the knotch of 50%, it's not even an incense of mastery. Maybe a half of one.

Offical Note from Remu: Don't waste your money on that thing, no matter that Aeria (or the GMs say). rofl.

Topic proven: [gohere]

Note: he was at.. what? Rank 0? Rank 1?
And I'm at class 2 or something, and I get 2.40% per. Without it, I get like, 2.20%, woo haa. (No, that math isn't correct, but I don't give a damn.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Top 12 Things I've Learned the Past Week in Suginami Silver.
5:05 AM

So, Hi. I'm Remu, and I'm a lv "85" Hybrid Melee who just does WAY too many Suginami Silvers with lv5 noobs. This is my story.

1. I should be a gamesage because I look like a guy. (LOL.)
2. Decarbaria can somehow still one hit me even with Ironclad, with that fancy death-based attack. (w t f?)
3. Apparently, Level 25's can solo Sugi Gold "Really easily" But even I have a problem sometime. Hmm.
4. Everyone has the remark "I'm doing better/going to get on my alt, insertnamehere, who is level X" Why can't everyone just admit that there's someone maybe, better, than them?
5. I've developed a very devoted fanclub who messages me immediately as soon as I enter Tunnels. Delicious.
6. My top record in noobie quests, was on Thursday, which was 28 Demon License Tests, 17 Card-Key-Invasion, thing. 12 of Killing-Surt/Uriel. and 6 Act 16's, and I might be lucky if I gained 1.5% from all that. (Let's not mention I killed myself with spin and reflect in Act 16) :D
7. Apparently, if I charged macca for leveling noobs, I'd never have an economic macca crisis, ever again. (This is true.)
8. Apparently my Duftact is GOD, and now everyone asks me to mod stuff for them. /flees in horror.
9. Apparently, I am not nominated at "sexy" or "beautiful" but I fall under the catergory as cute. So I'm a little puppy. So much for that egoboost. /sarcasm. The scary part is people can find my online communications, and my pictures. Yikes.
10. Apparently it's a new trend to be the highest person in Sugisilver, with the strongest Demon, go Nyar. - -;
11. I was told Arabaraki looks like a giant blue dick (Sasah039) so, if HIM, who hardly looks like that in my personal opinion, what is Mara? I am slightly afraid. (Not to mention I never knew a dick was stocky with arms and legs.) Yup. New reputation for Arabaki-kun.
12. Having a "Cloak of the Abyss" is for.. wait, gotta get this out. "peolpe who just want to show off and be mean and not take people on gold runs because they are a-holes" I tip my hat to you, but I'll be nice and hide your name for lack of humiliation purposes. Sorry, but Running gold with a lv11 is a piece of bullshit. Thanks, have a good day. :)
