underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

Thanks for pondering onto my blog of messy raging. Please keep drama to a minimum, I don't like breeding it. Say hai in the chatbox if you want. <:
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If you want to flee, just go here.
Since I am not a HTML nerd,
you may get lost.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Truth Behind AP/Equipment:
5:30 AM

the new bandwagon to create a blog to troll/(to-be) opinionated/bitch about person a and person b who are both (conveniently) in clan c, has gotten so out of hand, it's beyond ridiculous.

In other news, New FC's, whoodie-do. Really now, it's gotten to the point where I just have no motivation to play FCs anymore. Because neither you're farming/selling/grinding your brains out to get money to afford overpriced wins, or your charging so much money on your credit/debit/wallet, it's just as sad. Speaking from past experience, If I were to still have the items I started with (before AP Addiction set in.) I would have a Sturm armor, and probably a redrider, maybe a belle hat, Definitely not anything worth of value. Especially since if you go inactive for persay.. three months? That's 13-14 new FC's, and I can prettymuch guarentee you, that at least 3 of those are going to be new obscurely overkill armors/weapons. So why does everyone impulse buy to attemptively be the best to get.. +5% more closerange, or a new fashion set (/GUILTY!) When more new fancy stuff is coming out. It's a vicious cycle, which benefits only Aeria. I still find it amusing, What would happen if Aeria/ Shin Megami Tensei were to go down, forever, or get hacked. Let me tell you, they're not going to reimburse you. They are not going to say "heres 10k ap for the past month of stuff." I'm sure it'll be pretty close to "oops, shit happens. hope you stay. <3"

Offtopic: Woke up three hours too early for work, so I logged to say hai. What do I get? A bunch of lolhappyspam. My chatlogs make me smile.

In other news, remaking Recari with lessfail, now known as my lolful nickname wemu (wee-moo?) LOL. Though, a bunch of parv-taroted stuff, doesn't benefit the fact I'm only lv20. Flamietarots on failshit ftw! Lv16 with a fullymodded phlog is so overkill. 8)

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Friday, March 5, 2010
5:34 AM

Beautiful. Almost 2 months since I last posted.
Well, nothing's really changed.
Wasted a majority of my life on working, wasted 20k ap trying to get Chulainn Voucher, FAILED.
This made me ragequit on FCs (understatement), although I did win the raffle, that's a bit extreme. And well, if I didn't: it just woulda been ugly. I deleted Recari two weeks ago, out of sheer anger, majority of equips and all. 55.7% to 93. But the fact I still needed some lethe's, an hourglass, upgraded equips and such, it was kinda demotivating. In other news, newest spending promo. 9k got you Flying Succu, which honestly, didn't seem bad. Until I saw the amount of them in channel1. Disgusting. (On my end, flying domi wings just seemed bizarre, but now: not so much. Remu (melee) now hit 91, It's really not an accomplishment, after the third time. Definitely not as gratifing either. So now, I'm simply leveling alts, and pretending that I'm mildly active. I find more appeal to just coming on and talking to clannies than watch the server erode from the inside, thanks. It's the new bandwagon, sponsor at lv25 until 60+ then automatically incline yourself that EVEN with wearing sloppy shirts with magician tarots, you qualify for a DD. Well a lv40 with a cerebrus set, and a couple smart-tarots could easily outdamage you. and sorry, but Kotetsu isn't a mageweapon. It's Ogami's. She was a melee(esque). /facepalm.

The intelligence on the server is beginning to erode too.
p.s: Roy got GS. /grats!
p.p.s: All I have left to redo is my enhancer, 5 more levels. (140 int at lv40. cl5 enhance/ cl8 curative. /whut!)
p.p.p.s: GS's are more extreme nowadays than GMs are. Kinda demoting. Ohwell.

Remember, In Megaten; Macca + lackofthereof intelligence = relevation.
